Recipe: red wine braised beef with potato purée, rocket
Red wine braised beef with potato purée, rocket
Japanese people love western food, and I'm no exception.
We especially love rich saucy flavours, which is why this dish is perfect to serve to your guests.
Rich and flavourful sauce, fork tender beef and creamy buttery potato purée.
We especially love rich saucy flavours, which is why this dish is perfect to serve to your guests.
Rich and flavourful sauce, fork tender beef and creamy buttery potato purée.
It's comfort food with a touch of luxury, perfect for rainy days like today.
Adding a splash of pineapple juice while braising allows to meat to tenderise quickly and also to add a gentle sweetness to the sauce.
Adding a splash of pineapple juice while braising allows to meat to tenderise quickly and also to add a gentle sweetness to the sauce.
RECIPE // レシピ
【red wine beef stew・牛肉の赤ワイン煮込み】
・500g beef, cut into large chunks / 500g かたまり肉
・1 large white onion, cut into large chunks / 1個 玉ねぎ (くし切り)
・3 medium carrots, cut into large chunks / 3本 人参 (乱切り)
・2 tablespoons tube garlic paste / 2 tbsp チューブにんく
・400ml red wine / 400ml 赤ワイン
・100ml pineapple juice / 100ml パイナップルジュース
・2tsp somi shantan / 2tsp 創味シャンタン
・500ml water / 500ml 水
・5 bay leaves / 5枚 ローリエ
・1 tsp dried thyme / ローズマリー(粉末)
Sear beef on all sides until nicely browned. Remove beef from pan, add white onion, carrots and garlic paste and sauté till onion is translucent. Add beef back into pan and add red wine, pineapple juice, somi shantan (disssolved in 500ml water) to the pan. Reduce to slow heat and simmer beef till fork-tender (about 2~3 hours). To make the sauce, put aside carrots and beef, and take out bay leaves. Blend the rest of the stew to make a sauce.
牛肉を全体に焼き目が付くまで焼く。 牛肉に焼き目が付いたら鍋から出し、人参、 玉ねぎとチューブにんにくを炒める。 玉ねぎが透明になってきたら牛肉を鍋に戻し、赤ワイン、 創味シャンタン、水、 ローリエ、ローズマリーを入れ、牛肉が柔らかくなるまで約2~3時間煮込む。
【potato purée・ポテトピューレ】
・2 large potaoes / 2個 じゃがいも
・50g butter / 50g バター
・100ml milk / 100ml 牛乳
・salt and pepper to taste / 塩・コショウ
Cut potatoes into 4~6 chunks, put into a microwave safe bowl, cover with cling wrap and microwave for 5 minutes. Remove potato skin, mash potatoes till almost smooth. Slowly add the butter and milk, and continue to mash, adding more milk to loosen if needed. Season to taste.
じゃがいもは一口大に切って、耐熱容器に入れてラップをし、 600Wのレンジで5分加熱する。フォークなどでつぶして、 牛乳とバターを加えてなめらかになるまで混ぜ、塩、 こしょうを加えて味をととのえる。
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